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Unveiling the Cunning Tactics: How Ritualists and Kidnappers Infiltrate Homes with Their Agents

Her job was just to act as accompaniment and tend to their needs under madam’s supervision. Happiness got along well with the kids.

I guess it was more out of her childishness or childlikeness than anything else. There were a few times I had walked into her teaching our 5-year old to read.

Maybe this one will not be bad, I said to myself considering the terrible experiences with this people. I held my hope high. Well, until the scary occurrence of yesterday.

I had been travelling for the better part of last one month. So, this Saturday, with the weather fairly clement, I hit the tennis courts again.
Then I got this call from home.

Happiness, Suddenly makes up her mind she would want to leave her job immediately and would want her one month salary immediately. Usually, we pay their first salaries to their agents who deduct their commissions at pay them the balance.

Then the next month, they start to get their full salaries. As far as I am concerned, if she wants to go she can leave.

As it is with our practice and based on past experiences we have had, we would normally inspect their belongings before we show them to their quarters, and carry out same when they are leaving.

After I had permitted madam to allow her leave the compound, she was asked to bring her bag forward. She wasn’t expecting this. So, she made to go back into her quarters.

She was stopped and was asked to bring out her things. She brought out a few things. Madam had noted that when she came in she came with only four dresses.

How come her bag was suddenly so bulgy?
To cut the story short, madam found at the bottom of her bag half of her entire jewellery collection. This young lady packed everything! Apparently, she could not tell which were pure gold or not.

So she cleared everything that was in that particular cupboard. They included her wedding and engagement rings and other pure gold apparels as well as very expensive gemstones and others.

When they finally reached me on the phone, I asked that they keep her as I made my way back home. When I got home, I would hear things that made it nearly impossible for me sleep last night.

Innocent looking and easily likeable Happiness was not only a thief, as it now turns out, is also an agent hired by an evil gang, and unleashed on unsuspecting employers.

I sat transfixed listening to her tell her story. I was trying to make out if she was afraid. I didn’t see trepidation. I didn’t see confusion. I didn’t see remorse.

I only saw a young lady possessed. At a point, my sister inlaw said to her, “there is something this people gave you to drop in the house. Where is it?” I turned and looked at my inlaw wondering how she could have figured this out.

I was still trying to understand what was going on when Happiness walked to her bag and brought out a piece of black cloth tied into a knot. I asked her to untie it.

She did. There was this red substance looking as malleable as clay. I asked her to drop it on the floor. I asked my inlaw for anointing oil, and I poured it on the substance.

It began to fume and the whole living room was filled with this eerie stench of decaying rot. Then it turned yellow from red and later became black. Everyone began praying, then the young lady started confessing.

Two weeks ago, my wife asked Happiness to help her lose her hair so she could go to the salon to get it redone.

Unknown to her, she had cut pieces of her natural hair and kept. We saw that also tied in a nylon bag. (See the attached video).

She said this was meant for a human sacrifice. Things she said are really disturbing till now.

According to her, she met these people around April 2023. They told her they would make her rich. They took her into this room and performed some magic and monies appeared in different currencies.

They asked her to take the monies. But each time she tried to touch the money it disappeared.

They now told her that they would give her charms and send her on this assignment and her job is to bring them valuables from her employers, and when she does, she would be able to take the monies.

They then gave her the juju and told her that any home she enters, she should pick sand from outside of the house and sprinkle on the juju and speak to the juju that the people in the house would suffer some degree of amnesia.

So, she can steal whatsoever she desires and the owners would not remember that they owned the things or looked for them.

They also told her that she must make sure no other person sees the juju otherwise it would lose it powers and she could become mad.
My ears heard things that at my age my brain could not process.

For the past one month we had harbored and cared for the devil. She had unfettered access to my children.

At times, she even dished my food as well as the children. As a rule, we do not maltreat anyone who works with us. They eat and drink same as us. The estimated value of what she had tried to steal is approximately four million Naira.

The next question became what to do with her. I got her phone, went through the call logs. A particular number called her thirty-one times from 5AM on Saturday.

She confessed that to be the number of the kingpin. I asked her when she carried the items in her possession. She said on Thursday evening.

So, when she called the kingpin she had accomplished her mission, they started to put her under pressure to leave the house and return to them.

Now, the final resort should ordinarily be to hand her over to the police. But I shall not be taking up this option. I have my reasons.

In 2015, while serving as an appointee of the government in Cross River State, and my wife temporarily resident in America, I discovered my driver – Jack, had duplicated keys to my main entrance door, and because I was away for months at a stretch, had striped my home of all my valuables.

He of course ran away. I tracked him, got him arrested. Insisted on his being tried in court. Attended two court sittings until he was remanded at Kirikiri prison for about five months.

Later, on following up with the police I realized he was released without recourse to me. In their words, he had suffered already for the crime. To get to this stage, I know how much I was extorted by the police. I let it go.

On another occasion, this time at the office, my admin manager connived with our company driver to cart away camera equipment worth over seven million Naira from the office strong room.

The driver disappeared. But I got the admin manager arrested. I know how much extortion I underwent to the point that the most sensible thing to do was to cut my losses.

Our criminal system mets more punishment to the victim than the criminals, sadly.

I feel sad for this young lady. Even though she’s done enough to suffer behind bars, I feel nothing but pity for. I see her as a victim of the kind of society we now find ourselves, where a twenty-three year old from a very poor background is so desperate to make it without working.

They could have asked her to poison all of us in my family. She would have carried out their instructions to the letter. I am grateful to God for sparing us of disaster or our friends and loved ones of bad news.

If she is wise she would realize she also has been delivered if ever she was under a spell. I took her phone, took out her SIM card, wiped out everything on it and put back to factory reset so that whoever those people are, they can’t reach her except she goes back to them herself.

Of course she can get her number back, but our details she would no longer have. This morning, I have asked her to go.

To ensure that no other innocent family falls victim to this evil and demonic nexus that plants their agents in homes of unsuspecting families, I am publishing her photo and details so that there is no hiding place for her and her likes.

Hopefully, if everyone shares this story and other similar stories, these evil people shall quit their current trade.

Happiness, Like many others like her who at the moment are in the various homes of unsuspecting families, was never seeking a job.

She didn’t want the job. She was simply on a mission to steal, kill and destroy.

Finally, be careful and watchful of the people you allow into your homes. Unlike me, learn to be perpetually suspicious.

May God save and preserve us from evil.

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