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PTD Urges Ministry of Labour and DSS to Organize National Delegates Conference; Accuses NUPENG of Biased Practices

One of the elders of the Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) Branch of Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) in Port Harcourt Zone, Comrade Joseph Dagogo-Jack (JP) has admonished the leadership of the parent body especially the General Secretary, Afolabi Olawale not to thwart the decision of the court which recently called for a fresh and all-inclusive national delegates Conference.

Comrade Dagogo-Jack in a chat with some journalists in Port Harcourt on Sunday described the judiciary as the true hope of the common man. He also commended Hon. Justice O.Y Anuwe for protecting the sanctity of the temple of justice without fear or favour.

“With hindsight, things need to be done in a more acceptable manner this time in the affairs of PTD. In the interest of peace and appropriateness, Afolabi Olawale should not engage in any activities that will again compromise the electoral process. It was obvious that the NUPENG National Secretariat was seen to be biased in the previous election, therefore it should not be allowed to conduct this fresh election. It will be more appropriate to have neutral bodies like the Federal Ministry of Labour and the Department of State Services to serve as umpire and returning officers, so that the process will be transparent, credible, free and fair.

“NUPENG should as a matter of decency comply strictly with Court rulings which stated without ambiguity that all suspensions and query letters against all PTD members remain null and void. Same should also apply to the illegal embargo placed on the petroleum tankers belonging to Comrade Lucky Osesua, Comrade Gayyab Garga, Comrade Olabisi Akinlolu, Comrade Humble Obinna Power and others, their trucks should forthwith be allowed to load at deports across Nigeria without encumbrance. This also means that after almost a year, Tanker Drivers who have been rendered jobless by Afolabi can now work, many thanks to the judiciary.

“The Court also stated that pending when new executives of the PTD Branch shall emerge from the election to be conducted soon, the union should constitute a Caretaker Committee to run the affairs of the PTD Branch, with a caveat that, no member of the Caretaker Committee shall be a member of the electoral committee, this is very important.

“PTD stakeholders are also surprised that NUPENG will be rolling out election guidelines that are filled with clauses contradictory to PTD byelaws. This is totally unacceptable.

“Just 48 hours after the judgement was delivered on Wednesday, the National Secretariat of NUPENG went ahead taking numerous misguided decisions. They were not bothered to reconcile the two factions by revoking all suspensions and sanctions springing forth from the nullified elections or giving instruction that pictures of the Ibadan faction National Chairman and National Secretary be removed from all PTD units across the 4 zones nationwide, but they’re busy rolling out election guidelines that are not in alignment with the PTD Branch byelaws. It is very shameful and unbelievable that NUPENG will still want to drag us backwards.

“We also observed that the venue, date, and mode of elections were chosen without including both factions from the camps of Comrade Lucky Osesua and Augustine Egbon so as to harmonize ideas and also the electoral plans. More importantly, elections at the magnitude of PTD National Executives cannot be conducted without campaigns and posters for the purpose of sensitising all eligible delegates. Honestly there should be a huge distinction between an election and selection.

“Hon. Justice O.Y. Anuwe has indeed written her name in the sand of time, and truly posterity will be kind to her. Without contradiction, she has proven that judiciary is the last.hope of a common man and that one doesn’t need to be a money bag before he or she gets justice. Afolabi Olawale and his ilk should be properly guided and not cause any further legal infractions in the forthcoming delegates Conference.

“Since last year, 2023, those who are Afolabi’s stooges have been making derogatory remarks about me in the media, but I don’t care, I will continue to be on the side of truth. Insults mean nothing to me. They only fuel my resolve and strengthen my determination. They are like water off a duck’s back and neither can they deter me from speaking my mind on any pressing or burning issue in the interest of PTD no matter how unpopular my position may be to them.

“Those that do not have the presence of mind or the discipline to read beyond three lines or that are so filled with hate and blighted by ignorance that it has beclouded their better judgement are not fit to be in PTD or trade union. This is the time for PTD’s freedom from the hands of oppressors who are destroying the legacies of the union’s forbears.” Dagogo-Jack stated.

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