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APO News

Countries Not Popular Even Contracts COVID-19 From Saudi Arabia

How wide has this COVID-19 gone because Lesotho that is not popular has also tested its first case of COVID-19 the ministry of health has informed the nation.

It was the people who hailed from Saudi Arabia that brought COVID-19 into Lesotho.

This Saudi Arabians thought no COVID-19 was in Lesotho that was what gave them the order to travel out of Saudi Arabi but unfortunately they were the same persons who brought COVID-19 to Lesotho.

On the 11th May 2020, the samples were shipped to NICD in the Republic of South Africa and results were obtained on the 12′ May 2020.

Eighty people tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 while ONE tested POSITIVE for COVID-19. To date, we have sent 597 specimens for testing at NICD, 295 are negative and 301 are still pending results.

The Ministry of Health will continue to carry out active case finding through vigilant screening and testing all the suspected cases at all designated points of entry, at the health facilities and in the communities, as well as monitoring of those on home quarantine.

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The Ministry also pleads with the public to calm down, be vigilant and maintain safety protocol to minimize the spread of the virus; that is wash hands with soap and water, observe coughing and sneezing etiquette, follow quarantine measures and adhere to the set terms of the lock-down and reduce the possible spread of the disease.

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